Kanuka Honey

Kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) is a spreading shrub or tree, sometimes growing to a height of 18 m (60 ft) with bark which peels in long strips and young branches which tend to droop.
The flowers are white or pale pink, crowded on side branches or in the axils of upper leaves.
Kanuka is a sweet honey with an aromatic butterscotch taste similar to that of its Cousin Manuka. It is a buttery light colour.
Kanuka Honey, like its cousin Manuka is known for its unique natural chemical properties (High in 3-Phenyllatic acid). Each pot of Mountain Gold Kanuka Honey contains at least 1000 mg of 3-PLA per kg of Kanuka Honey.
Mountain Gold Kanuka Honey can be purchased at our online store. Go to the menu bar, click Shop - Native New Zealand Honey